Photo credit: alwaysinfo.co.uk

Photo credit: alwaysinfo.co.uk

My big bad good break-up…

Sorry to those of you who are here for the gory details of how and why I broke up with the love of my life. This is different kind of break-up and to me, somewhat more important. This is about how I broke up or rather am breaking up with…

S E L F – C O N S C I O U S N E S S

Some people call it shyness, being ill at ease, insecurity, I like to call it self-consciousness.I’ve realized that pretty much everyone struggles with this. This state of excessive self-awareness that cripples even the brightest and most gifted. Cautiously calculating every word, every gesture, every activity because everyone is watching you. They are watching your every move and waiting for you to make one mistake so they can pounce on you like the savages they truly are.

News flash!


So stop over-analyzing everything. That lady looking straight at you is probably just lost in thought and that comment you made on facebook? It’s really not that big of a deal ! Stop thinking of past conversations and what you should have said or done because guess what? It’s in the past! Nothing you can do will change it so please move on.

Photo credit : apkfun.co

Photo credit : apkfun.co

There’s a difference between being self-aware and self-conscious. Self-awareness is understanding who you are as an individual; your strengths, weaknesses and how you relate with people. Self-consciousness on the other hand is putting limits to how you express yourself and it’s a trap.


Because it paralyses you and makes you a sucker for society’s approval. You’re way better than that. Your eyes are not too small. Your forehead is not too big. Your butt is not too big/small. You laugh is not too loud (or maybe it is) . The point is you’re perfect just the way you are.


You see, all those little things about you that are not ‘perfect’ in society’s eyes are what make you YOU! 

So stop being so self-conscious ,cripple your fears and accept yourself because you, my friend are perfect in your imperfections.

You’re AMAZING just the way you are.


Even Bruno Mars thinks you’re amazing =)

P.S : I’ve taken a huge step in breaking up with self-consciousness. I’ve joined orator’s club, it’s my school’s version of toastmasters and I’ll be giving my first speech pretty soon. Wish me luck!


The Venus Blogger